
What are the costs of GP services at HAP MH?

    Effective from january 2025           
Triage consultation TR         € 35,00        
Consultation (physical/digital) with GP/Nurse Practitioner /Physician Assistant   € 172,27        
Visit from GP/Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant  € 258,41        

The rates apply from Monday to Friday between 6:00 PM and 8:00 AM, and all day on weekends and public holidays. These rates are set by the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa).

How can you pay?

1. You have health insurance

All contact with the GP out-of-hours service (HAP MH) will be billed. If possible, we can submit the bill directly to your health insurance provider using your insurance details.

Please make sure you have your correct address and insurance details available during your contact with HAP MH, so we can send the invoice directly to your health insurer.

2. You do not have health insurance or your health insurance is not known to us

If you do not have health insurance or your insurance is not registered with us, you must pay the bill directly at the GP out-of-hours service (HAP MH), either in cash or via card payment.

Costs for a contact with HAP MH that we cannot bill will be invoiced and sent to the home address we have on file. If we do not receive a response to our (reminder) invoice, we may be forced to engage a collection agency.


Avoid collection fees by ensuring you have your correct address and phone number available during your contact with HAP MH. You can also email your address details to us at huisartsenpost.

If a patient misses the consultation, a triage consultation fee will be charged.

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